miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Flora de los rios de la vertiente mediterránea

Flora of the rivers of the Mediterranean slope

Andalucia has a great variety of very different landscapes some of others. This owes, between(among) other motives, to which his(her,your) territory places between(among) two seas (the Atlantic Ocean and the sea Marranean) and that one finds closely together of África. This variety of the landscapes and Andalusian territories is one of the features most typical of this land.


Moss: The mosses are briofitas, and are not vascular plants(floors). They can be distinguished from the (hepatic) Marchantiophyta by his(her,your) multicellular rizoides. Other differences are not universal for all the mosses and all the hepatic ones, but the white of egg attends of the "stem", more properly so called caulidio, since he(she) lacks the structure of a real stem, or "leaves(sheets)", with major precision named filidios for the same reason, clearly differentiated, the lack of leaves(sheets) deeply lobuladas or divided in segments, and the absence of leaves(sheets) arranged in three rows, they are distinctive characteristics of a moss.

Ferns: The ferns and tails of horse (Pteridofitas) are vascular plants(floors) that do not have flowers and do not produce seeds, but they reproduce by means of spores. Often they are recognized as the vascular "low" plants(floors) which vascular fabrics (xilema and floema) are arranged in faeces that lead water, food and minerals though many people present stem and roots, for others his(her,your) stem consists in rizomas creeping(low) with adventitious roots (Jones, 1987).


Identified from always with the sadness and the melancholy, and with bucolic landscapes of big extensions of pampas or field, where road surface grows in surroundings of some mirror of water, the weeping willow is a tree that belongs(concerns) to the family of the salicaceae and whose scientific name is Salix Babilónica.


In the shores of the rivers forms(trains) a very dynamic ecosystem. In epochs of drought there is shortage of water and nutrients, heredas during the rainy periods the water anega and it(he,she) erodes strongly the margins of the river.

The fluvial vegetation is adapted well and is distributed according to the degree of environmental dampness.

These types of trees are in the shores of the rivers:

1 Willow.

2 I smooth.

3 Black poplar or poplar 4 Fresno.

5 Elm.

The sauceda.

They are vegetable(plant) formations(trainings) in which it(he,she) dominates the willow, with species(kinds) belonging to the kind(genre) Salix spp.

They are in the edge of the river in touch with the water forming(training) a narrow band and it(he,she) colonizes also the islands and cascajares that stay to the overdraft inside the riverbed.

They are adapted to the floods (rapid growth, flexible branches with narrow leaves(sheets) and powerful enraizamiento). His(her,your) ecological functions like protectors of the forest of bank perform great importance. They fix the margins of the riverbed avoiding or diminishing the erosion and the effects of the floods in the rises.

The aliseda.

The alder-tree (glutinous Alnus) is the dominant species(kind). It(he,she) needs many dampness (it(he,she) is very higrófilo) and environmental freshness, for what it(he,she) develops in the edge of the riverbed or in flooded zones. He(she) competes with the sauceda in the settling of these places.

The alder-tree is less adapted that the willows to resist the floods and the drought, as well as to colonize stony fluvial zones. But in the consolidated margins it(he,she) grows in height over the willows projecting on these a dense shade that prevents his(her,your) existence.

In the bank of the Jarama it(he,she) coexists sauceda and aliseda in the edge of the riverbed.

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